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진행형 격투 게임 영어로


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  • Beat 'em up
  • 진행형    진행형 [進行形] 『문법』 the
  • 격투    격투 [格鬪] a grapple; a fight; a tussle;
  • 격투 게임    Fighting games
  • 게임    게임 a game. 실내 ~ an indoor game / a
  • 진행형 슈팅 게임    Shoot 'em up
  • 진행형    진행형 [進行形] 『문법』 the progressive form. 현재[과거 / 미래] ~ the present[past / future] progressive form.
  • 미확인으로 진행형    Engaged to the Unidentified
  • 행형    행형 [行刑] the execution of a sentence; (재산형의) the execution of a pecuniary punishment; (사형의) execution. ~하다 execute a sentence[a pecuniary punishment].▷ 행형학 penology.
  • 3d 대전 격투 게임    3D fighting games
  • 대전 격투 게임    Fighting game
  • 격투 게임 등장인물    Fighting game characters
  • 격투 게임 프로게이머    Fighting game players
  • 격투    격투 [格鬪] a grapple; a fight; a tussle; fisticuffs; a hand-to-hand fight; [난투] a scuffle. ~하다 fight ; grapple ; come to fisticuffs[blows]; fight hand to hand . 그는 ~하여 적병을 죽였다 He killed the enemy sold
  • 진행    진행 [進行] progress; progression; (an) advance; march; onward movement. 공사의 급속한 ~ the rapid progress being made in the construction work. ~ 중이다 be in progress / be on the move / be going on / be under
  • 행형학    penology
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